A customizable list of predefined options allowing users to select from — triggered by a button.
Select example usage
Select component props
Name | Type | Description |
variant | default | filled | flushed | flushedfilled | dashed | Defines the visual style of the select trigger and dropdown. Available
variants include |
error | boolean | If |
icon | React.ReactNode | Custom icon displayed on the left side of the select trigger. |
openIcon | React.ReactNode | Icon displayed to indicate the dropdown is open. Defaults to |
leftText | string | Text displayed on the left side of the select trigger before the value. |
className | string | Additional CSS classes to customize the select trigger's appearance. |
children | React.ReactNode | The options or groups that make up the select menu, typically using
ref | React.Ref<HTMLButtonElement> | A ref to the select trigger element for direct DOM manipulation. |
...props | React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef<SelectPrimitive.Trigger> | Additional props passed to the root trigger component. |